Collaborative Web Solution case study

Collaborative Web Solution case study

Reading Time: 3 minutes


The client is a leading commercial real estate company with a portfolio exceeding $1.4 billion in assets. The company leases over 12 million square feet of retail space. The company caters to a diverse client roster and coordinates every aspect of retail leasing, development, acquisition, financing, architectural design, marketing, space planning, and property management.

The company follows disciplined business processes to expand their services in Retail Leasing, Tenant Representation, Land Brokerage, Commercial Development and Property Management.


The client required a collaboration environment that increases the business efficiency of the company’s business processes. The web based software was required to handle the administrative tasks to manage the properties, all related documents and other information. The software also required an easy search feature that enables the users of the system to efficiently search information regardless of the physical location of data.

The conventional method for leasing followed by the client required maintaining paper documents at each level of approval. Each level of approval, if required had to go through multiple approval cycles to reach a consensus on the lease. This resulted in multiple documents for a single lease. Storing all the documents for a single lease and then searching for specific information in all these documents became cumbersome.

The previous method of working required all approvers to maintain separate documents which resulted in difficulties in consolidating the information which in turn resulted in tedious job of searching the most important information for the lease throughout these multiple documents. On top of these difficulties, the storage needed to store all the paper documents for all the leases took considerable amount of space.

The client needed a solution that integrates the following:

  • Different user roles
  • Electronic approval for all stages in the workflow
  • Document management
  • Management and Monitoring Tools
    • Reporting on all stages of the workflow
    • Customizing the workflow tasks
    • Deletion and Delegation of workflow tasks

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